Sunday 13 July 2008

she DOES tell the best stories.

silly stories for you.

so,i'm aware just as i was getting into the daily updates,that i stopped,, the post i mentioned..last post? the reason for that, as jellytriumph strips have moved there and the series i mentioned,captain brave,is being updated daily there.
thats a poster by the way =)

Wednesday 2 July 2008

a friends starting up a comic hosting site (something like comicfury..or summmmin'),an url'll be up soon,but it should be online in about 1 week,so i'm doing a series for him for when it starts.

it'll be on before its officially online for the public, so its kind of like a premier-thingy-ma-jig.

now-some cosmic ray time strips,most of which aren't funny what so ever-butttt what ellllsseee is newwwwwwwwwwwww.*zing!

Sunday 29 June 2008


Saturday 28 June 2008

so..yeah,schools been out for a month for me,since exams are over n' everything..and man is it dull-OR IT WASSS UNITLLLLLL!-

hoo yahh. *anyone who happens to read this and wants to give me their friend code
and,as you can tell from the thing at the top,new tablet,AND,its a wacom!,a bamboo to be precise,and it loooks niiiiiiiice.

Monday 16 June 2008

i went to crazy old nass festival on the weekend ( ) and saw the subways,pendulum,less than jake and elliot minor.there were other bands but day-time was for chillin' =), not for rooockin' out, but yah, the night was chilled out,and as we were relaxing with a cup of tea each this guy just came over and started talking about saving me from nam =)
plus, if i do comics on paper again,i wont use this method, its not great